Our Mission: (Why do we exist?)

Believing that the Gospel Transforms everything, The Town kids desires to partner with parents, to faithfully teach the gospel and demonstrate the love of Christ to all children so that they will become disciples of Christ who trust, serve, worship, and obey Him now and into eternity to the glory of God the Father.

Our Mandate: (What does God say about it?)
  • God commands us to teach the scriptures to our children. (Deuteronomy 6:7)
  • The scriptures make one “wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” (2 Timothy 3:15)
  • We are instructed to “train up a child in the way they should go” trusting that “when they are old they will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)
  • God commands us to tell the next generation of His glorious deeds so that they might set their hope in Him and not forget His works but keep His commandments. (Psalm 78:1-7)
Our Ministry: (How will we accomplish the vision and mission of The Town Kids?)

All of our Sunday morning ministry to children will strongly support ministry in the home as we provide resources to equip parents to disciple their children (this could be via “Parent Connections,” “Elementary Challenge Cards,” devotional resources, etc.).

Infants and Children 3 months through 5 years:
  • For children in this age group, The Town Church provides childcare services every Sunday morning.
  • Out of a desire to lay a strong foundation for faith, our Sunday morning ministry to children will use The Bible, The Jesus Storybook Bible, The Beginners Gospel Story Bible, The Village Church Toddler Curriculum and other resources to provide a foundation of key Bible stories, and systematically teach the scriptures as God’s redemptive story.
Elementary Children:
  • Sunday School classes are held for K through 5th grade on the first and third Sunday of the month during the preaching portion of the service. These children are dismissed (to teachers in the back of the sanctuary) after the music and before the sermon. After their time together they will be escorted back to the sanctuary to re-join their family in worship after the sermon.
  • During their time together, the children will engage with an age appropriate lesson based on the same passage/subject that is being preached that morning.
  • Desiring to engage our elementary children in corporate worship, they join us for the full service on the second, fourth and occasional fifth Sunday. On these weeks activity clipboards are provided. The activities include puzzles and coloring pages that correspond to the sermon as well as a page for taking notes and a page for drawing a picture to help remember the sermon.

Have any questions? Feel free to contact our Director of Children’s Ministry, Cassy Reeves.

Cassy Reeves Portrait

Cassy Reeves